

Hey there! In case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm Christine Roca. (That's pronounced "ROW-kuh" not "ROCK-uh") I've been helping breastfeeding families for over a decade and I'm excited to be a part of your story now too!

I grew up in a home where breastfeeding was just the normal way to feed babies, so when it was time to grow my own family, I didn't think twice about it...until infertility struck. When we chose to adopt, I still had my heart set on breastfeeding. After all, that's how babies expect to be nourished - why should it be any different if they're adopted?

And so my journey began. A bit nontraditional in the sense that I was lactating BEFORE I had a baby, but that's how it goes when you're adopting. Soon after we welcomed our first child, I became pregnant with the next and was able to breastfeed that one the normal way.

Eventually our third (and final) child came along and that's when I stepped beyond my own nursing realm and began helping other families. I started as a La Leche League Leader, volunteering as a peer breastfeeding counselor. Then I decided to up my game and become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant so I could help families at the more in-depth clinical level.

Aside from working one-on-one with families, being an IBCLC has allowed me to do some pretty remarkable things like:

  • owning/operating a thriving private practice
  • speaking at professional conferences
  • presenting to local colleges
  • chairing a breastfeeding coalition


Now I'm super excited to support even more breastfeeding families - like yours - online! No matter where you're at in your journey - expecting, surviving the early weeks, or getting ready to wean - you need to be surrounded by people who are there to cheer you on and lift you up. And that's what this is all about!

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Get to know Christine Roca, IBCLC.

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